Create a Showcase

Da Wiki Landscapefor.
Versione del 25 mag 2022 alle 11:02 di Serena.baroni (discussione | contributi) (Creata pagina con "==What to do after having created the Showcase-Media== First of all, if you haven't already uploaded a file during the Media creation, upload one and save. This way you'll see...")
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This page provide some information on what a Showcase is and on how to create it.

What's a Showcase?

A Showcase is special type of Media, a multimedia element within a POI.

Unlike Media, a showcase is not a simple photo, but an interactive picture by which users can discover specific products.

The "Showcase" feature is associated during the creation of the Media through a dedicated space used to define the "Chapters".

What to do after having created the Showcase-Media

First of all, if you haven't already uploaded a file during the Media creation, upload one and save. This way you'll see the showcase preview.

Inserire i prodotti è molto semplice, vi basterà cliccare nel punto dell'immagine da dover far risaltare e comparirà un "+"; sotto l'immagine avrete la possibilità di inserire un titolo e un link che verranno associati a quel "+".

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