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APPA (Atlas of the Heritage and Active Landscape) is a collection of POI bringing together the historical, cultural, artistic and natural heritage and the institutions or activities (commercial or not), taking care of the protection and promotion of their territory.

POI APPA. What to do?

On AtlasFor there are two kinds of Archives related to this project:

  • APPA-Region
  • APPA-Region-CALL

It is good to remember that all the materials and/or sources related to the POI under discussion will be loaded into the APPA-Region-CALL Archive as a useful database for future AtlasFor users. The POI with the relative Media, once concluded, must instead be part of the APPA-Region Archive.


If there are both APPA-Region and APPA-Region-CALL POIs related to the same place, the APPA-Region-CALL POI must be moved and give it a more generic name to avoid confusion.

Bandiere arancioni

If there also is a Bandiere Arancioni POI, it is necessary to unify them in one POI, which will have as Archives:

  • APPA-Region
  • Borghi Operosi

By also adding the "Bandiere Arancioni" Tag.